Wednesday, July 25, 2012

CRISIS in mid-summer with the Septic System

Septic systems are most likely to fail when stressed.  Having the cottage host a large number of guests is only one aspect of the recent septic tank problems.  Years of neglect would be the other aspect.
Camp's septic system was, in some ways, more dynamic than expected.  After installation in 1961 (per Beth's memory), it well exceeded the typical 25-year life expectancy for a metal tank.  The current tank is a five foot diameter, more than four feet deep and holds 600-700 gallons.  Location on the west wall of camp is twenty feet from exterior wall.  The drainage pipe / leach field is 75 feet long, which Papa described as longer than the typical lengths for the era at installation.This schematic is a fairly accurate representation of the camp's system, with the key exception being the presence of inspection access ports at top.  Camp had none.
The schematic shows sludge, liquid sewage and scum on top.
Opening the tank became a complex endeavor.  The routine process of episodic pumping through the years was discouraged by the requirement to excavate a two foot by five foot diameter section of the driveway area. 

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