Saturday, June 22, 2024

Aluminum Swim Float

Replacement of our deteriorating, pressure-treated raft was the consensus of the February ‘24 Annual Meeting.

A contemporary, welded aluminum, cedar deck Swim Float seemed the best choice. Raft had a minor custom modification to fit onto our winter storage system. The Dock Doctors of Vergennes, Vermont offered a discount if we transported the raft ourselves to Green Lake, NY. Above is the new raft, up-side-down on the transport trailer.

Before floating the raft, a new anchor system was needed:

Anchor system consists of the old radiator, with chain, connected to bobber (seen next to Eldric) + a new collection of stainless-steel carabiners, jaw & eye swivels, clamps & thimbles, all laid out. Plus rope. The template for this anchor system is based on the cartoon below (Winter tether not installed yet.)

                      Team effort to handle & position the new Swim Float:

New  ladder is comfy.

Many hands really, really help!

New system will be a huge benefit for autumn chores. 

The chain assembly (secured with the tether) eliminates the need to manipulate an anchor! 

Pulling-up an 80-lb weight, on a tippy raft, after a dip into October's cold Adirondack waters is one of the least favorite chores of Happy Hollow.

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